Membership Application Form‐2025
    Member Name Membership Fees
    $35 Family Membership$35 Senior Couple Membership$25 Senior Membership$25 Student Membership
    Payment Option: E-transfer Only jsoacommittee@gmail.com
    Residence Address
    Registered Membership Category Information
    Family Membership Consists of member, spouse, and children (under the age of 21 and unmarried, if living in the same household) and dependent parents living at the same address as the member. Note: Children aged 18 to 21 not living with their parents are considered individual member.
    Senior Couple Membership 2 Seniors (65+ years of age) residing in the same household
    Senior Membership Any person 65 years of age or older
    Student Membership Any person 18 years of age or older
    Email Address Home Phone # Cell Phone #
    Family Information: All member names (Include last name if different) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Gender Relationship Available to Volunteer?
    (Please Check)
    Emergency Contact Information
    Place of Origin (Optional) Occupation – For JSOA Directory (Optional)
    All members are required to present a valid ID number for identification when attending and /or participating in JSOA programs/social events. If for any reason members are unable to present ID number, they may be required to present photo identification. ID # are not transferable; remain the property of the JSOA.
    All members are required to inform JSOA if there are any changes in the address or contact details
    Terms and conditions of membership in the JSOA are defined in the JSOA Bylaws and are subject to change. Annual memberships must be renewed on or before January of each year.
    I/We consent to receiving the JSOA emails & newsletter and other messages regarding the promoting JSOA objectives listed under Bylaws. I/We may withdraw my consent at any time using the contact information provided here. Contact the JSOA current Executive team. For more details are listed under www.jsoa.ca.
    No refunds or credits will be issued due to withdraw the membership or terminate membership by JSOA Board. For any unforeseen circumstance JSOA Major event will be cancelled than JSOA Committee board will take the decision for Membership fees for following year.
    I understand that the JSOA assumes no responsibility for injuries or illnesses which I, my spouse/partner, or my minor children or any other person may sustain as a result of my/their physical condition, this membership, my/their use of any facility or my/their participation in any cultural activities, programs. I expressly acknowledge on behalf of myself, my spouse/partner, my minor children, and our heirs that I assume the risk for all injuries, illnesses, death, loss, or damage which may result from any of the foregoing. I hereby release and discharge the JSOA, its committee board members, servants, and JSOA volunteers from all claims for injury,illness, death, loss, or damage which I, my spouse/partner, or minor children may suffer as a result of my/their physical condition, this membership, the use of any facility or participation in any Activities. In the event I, my spouse/partner or minor children bring any guest to JSOA Programs or Activity, I also agree to be responsible for ensuring that such guests adhere to the rules and policies of the JSOA and to inform them that they assume all liability for injuries, illness, death, loss, or damage which may result from participation in any activities, programs, or equipment’s uses in social events.
    I understand that the JSOA is not responsible for personal property lost or stolen while members and/or program participants are using/organizing JSOA facilities.
    I give my permission to the JSOA to use indefinitely, without limitation or obligation, photographs, film, footage, or tape recordings which may include my, my spouse’s or minor children’s image or voice for purposes of promoting or interpreting JSOA objectives
    I acknowledge the CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP and LIABILITY WAIVER set forth above and in the Member Information in JSOA Bylaws and, being in agreement with the Objectives of the JSOA, hereby apply for membership for myself and on behalf of my family members
    Office Use Only